I was going to title this Full Circle. A year and a half ago I was sitting on my couch watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer (by the season) and thinking, clearly I need a change. One facebook conversation and one phone call later, I was on my way up to Occidental to begin the adventure I am currently on.
Yesterday, I ditched church (Not a fan of crowds and Easter Sunday just seems so familiar to me that I don't get much out of it). Instead I drove down to SF to a comic book convention. It was good to be among "my people" again. To close out the evening I went to a sing-along screening of "Once More with Feeling" (the musical episode of Buffy). However, no major revelations came about so it's not really a full circle type thing.
The major revelation came two Thursdays ago over a lunch of poorly made Philly steak sandwiches. Scott Peterson, the Children's Pastor at the church I have been attending wanted to meet me with me about "being up front more." This was the best lunch I have ever had. And it wasn't due to the skimpy meat sandwiches. It was the moment that God used to flip the switch in my head.
God is calling me into full time Children's Ministry. Now a few of you are saying, "well duh, I thought you knew that." Others maybe totally shocked. Here is the thing. It was in talking with Scott that I realized I had the skills to do this ministry.
However, new things are scary, at least to me. So, as excited as I am about doing Children's Ministry, there is a lot that will be challenging to me.
Last Monday was the funeral service for my grandmother. (There may be a blog, but at least some pics on that sometime soon). Last weekend I went home for said service. Two ancillary activities of the trip brought mycalling into focus. The first was Three-Fold Communion at my home church in Seal Beach. The second was the shuttle ride from SFO to Santa Rosa.
If you don't know, Three-Fold is a potluck that ends with a Communion service and has a ceremonially foot washing in the middle. (yes cerimonally foot washing is a little weird-that's a blog for another day.) After the washing, the washer and the washee embrace (at least that is the tradition at my church). Then there is some hymn singing and some sharing.
I sat next to Mr. Enyart. The Enyart clan , have been a big part (there are like six kids) of Children's Ministry at Grace during the years I was there. (Three of them are now in high school and college and are going on the HS mission trip. random side note: sweet little innocent Michelle who I have known since she was six turned sixteen on Sunday. It was good time at home among family and friends, but it also made me realize just how long I had been doing CM.)
Where was I? Oh, right, Mr. Enyart shared how myself and others had been instrumental in the development of his children's faith. I was absolutely floored. Parents make the kids who they are. God changes their lives and makes them awesome servants for His kingdom. (and the Enyart kids are awesome servants). I just point them to God and sing goofy songs. For someone else, and a parent at that, to see me have an impact on his chidren's lives, showed me that God has equipped me for and wants to use me in CM.
Here is the thing. I see my sin. I see my failure. And I stay there. I think God can't use me. As long as I can remember people have been telling me that I should, assuming that I would, go into ministry. But that is a risk, and risk involves failure, and failure is uncomfortable. But without risk there is no growth. The last year plus I have learned that risk is okay. And more importantly I have learned that God isn't interested in my perfection but in my availability. After all it is not me who does the work. It is simply God using me. So, that is the short version of the conversation God and I had on the shuttle ride home from SFO.
I have a ton of pictures to share. From both the memorial and from the con, as well as some from just around camp.
Okay, this train is more than long enough. Catch ya next time.