Sunday, May 21, 2017

So what have I have I been up to?

Before I left Houston, I bragged that I could make twenty hours of ministry work look like forty. I figured that life would be simple and easy. I thought I would find time to substitute to make more money and that I would have time for all the leisure I could afford.

I thank all of you who knew that to not be true, but allowed me to find out on my own. There are days now where I feel like I am making fifty or sixty hours of work look like twenty. But even more importantly, I am learning that this job isn't about leisure or money or even the hours.

In the last seventeen weeks,

I have had to stop my car to allow quail, wild turkey, and the occasional bovine to cross the road.

I spoke at a local Christian Elementary Chapel.

I transported four car loads of 6th to 12th graders to an establishment known as John's Incredible Pizza (think of Chuck E. Cheese's for older kids or Dave & Busters for younger kids) and back without loosing anyone.

Attended volleyball and basketball games, as well as the occasional school play

Found Target, Trader Joe's, and In-N-Out

Sold fundraising tickets outside of the local grocery store

Witness to the adoption of a child into his new home

Set-up and tear-down for the church's clothing give away ministry

Participated in the church's food pantry ministry

Found respite at a local coffee shop (that serves amazing deli sandwiches) and even made it to the movies on occasion

Countless games of Uno

Helped repaint and redecorate the nursery space

Participated in two Easter Services and an Easter Potluck Brunch

Found two Bible studies (one where I am the oldest and one where I am the youngest)

Attended the world famous Calaveras County Jumping Frog Jubilee

Planned and executed weekly Elementary School Outreach, Sunday School, Junior High, and High School Ministry, as well as getting to preach twice

What I have found through all of this, is that ministry isn't even about the doing. It is about being. 

What I have been is teacher, chaperone, local sports fan, witness, cheerleader, supporter, encourager, creator of space and a servant to set the table, testifier, preacher, and participant.

I am grateful each of these opportunities and anticipate what the ones that lie ahead.

--Serving Him alongside all of you, just from further away
--Jesse Letourneau

Some pics of the doing/being

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