Friday, April 10, 2009

The Geek Shall Inherit the Earth

I was in Target today, and among my purchases was the X-Men movies (Hey, the first two weren't bad, and it came with a $10 coupon for the Wolverine Movie.) The 20 something female Target worker commented on the purchase asking if I was getting ready for the new Wolverine movie, and that she was excited for the film. She also mentioned that before Return of the King came out she bought the other two films and watched them in preparation.

Comics and geekdom ain't just for kids (or even just for boys) any more.

On a tangentially related note, is it sad the thing I am most excited about in relation to the upcoming Captain America film is all the tie-ins that will be hitting the shelves?


  1. So, did you propose on the spot?

  2. And yet another reason to love Target :)

    PS - Happy Easter! I hope you had a great day! Did you do anything special for the campers, or did you have an empty camp this weekend? I am a curious person if you haven't noticed.

  3. Bianca, I got your Easter card, thanks so much. Yeah Easter was good. Checked out the Children's Ministry at church and then had lunch/dinner over at a staff member's house with a bunch of people from work.

  4. ok, it is.

    and no. (had to get car back to owner and was preoccupied by that.)
