Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Mysterious Ways

So last time we chatted about Grace Community and how much I loved it. And how uber involved I was with the ministries there. The two that were closest to my heart were the midweek Kids' Clubhouse (kinda a mix of VBS, AWANA, and small groups) and the Sunday Night GraceKids! (Children's church for the eveneing service).

Now I was by no means the central part to either ministry, and the vision and passion came from others who I admire and aspire to emulate both in my ministry as well as my private life. However, for the midweek program my responsiblity was the Bible lesson for the week, and for Sunday nights I was responsible for the entire time every other week. So when I left Grace Community, there were some holes that needed to be filled.

No one stepped up, I believe, beacause God had a better idea in mind. The goal of Clubhouse was to capture as much of the energy and creativity of VBS as possible in a weekly meeting. Three of the people responsible for the energy and creativity of VBS were the three who were the other half of Sunday nights. So the obvious (I say obvious, because seeing it happen now it makes absolute perfect sense, but I would never have thought it up) solution, combine the two.

GraceKids! has now become Kids' Clubhouse, and Kids' Clubhouse now has the extra support and energy it needs. It was a real peanut butter in my choclate, choclate in my peanut butter idea.

God is awesome in how he moves and grows His church. The apostle John is exiled (doesn't seem good) we get the book of Revelation. David Bayne goes to mission field and leaves quite a few leadership roles open at Grace Community Church. God brings in the right people to build on and expand the work of God that David had laid the foundation for.

And in a similar fashion, but not in the same magnitude, I am called away from Children's Ministry at Grace, and God provides an awesome solution for not one, but two ministries.

I just want to say, God is awesome!

--Serving along side all of you, just from further away
--Jesse Letourneau

1 comment:

  1. Hehe I always love to hear things like this. Like, when it seems things are going to go one way, and then God totally surprises you with a great solution! Thanks for this :) Jesse, I think you work as a daily dose of inspiration!
